Mini English Bulldogs are very popular dogs – especially on social media – and are considered by many one of the cutest dog breeds there are. Anyone who has ever seen one can’t deny their fame is earned.

But how much do you know about Mini English Bulldogs?

Mini Bulldogs

Mini English Bulldogs are not a recognized breed, they are considered a breed under development. Because of that, it may be difficult to find pure Mini Bulldogs and mixed puppies are common.


The Mini Bulldogs may come from a mix of breeds. The most common is the cross-breeding between an English Bulldog and a French Bulldog, or even an English Bulldog and a Pug. The Mini Bulldog can even come from lines where the three breeds are mixed.

Another way would be selective breeding English Bulldogs, choosing the small ones systematically, until the average size of the descendants is smaller. That is not a technique exclusively used on Bulldogs, has been successfully implemented in the breeding of other kinds of dogs (Toy Poodles, for instance).

Health problems

The selective breeding of Mini English Bulldogs has been going on since the 1980s and it originated in the USA.

Some claim that the breeding has been done too fast (only in two or three decades) and that can lead to health issues caused by a small genetic variety. The breeder, however, claims to do proper responsible breeding and that the Mini Bulldogs are only affected by health issues that are already prone to happen to regular Bulldogs.


The Mini English Bulldogs were originally created to be simply a smaller version of the English Bulldog, one to be raised at an apartment. Although the mixed breeds can have slightly different looks from the big Bulldog, the selectively bred ones are very similar to their ancestors, but in a smaller figure.

They are known to have a low-slung body, the shoulders are broad and powerful, have a deep chest, almost reaching the ground, rounded ribs, and short legs. The coat is thick and fat, but the hair is not long, it is smooth and short.

It lives 10 to 12 years, on average. Grows up to 14 inches high and weighs 25 to 40 pounds. Its fur has a wide variety of colors, it doesn’t shed much hair and it is an indicated breed for people with allergies.


The Mini English Bulldog is very friendly and sociable. It is praised as a great companion. It is one of the best breeds to have around children of all ages because it is a very calm, patient dog and enjoys playing a lot, especially when it is still a little puppy.

Because of its calm, relaxed nature, the Mini Bulldog can take a lot from children without complaining, the only thing it might do is walk away if the playing becomes too intense. When puppies, they enjoy exercise more, but when adults, the thing they like the most is lying down and taking a good nap.

They’re also good with other pets, even cats, although not as sociable as with humans. They get along very well with the elderly too, being an amazing companion to older people.


His tranquil nature makes him feel more comfortable indoors, doing almost no exercise, but the owners must walk them every day to make sure they don’t get too fat.

Also, Mini Bulldogs don’t dissipate heat well, and if they get too hot it can even lead to their deaths. The best way to avoid overheating is not to take them for exercise when it is hot.

Go out with them during cool days or at least wait until the sun goes down to take them out for a spin.


Feed the puppies at least 2 to 3 times a day when they are 2 to 4 months old. When it becomes an adult, feed them high-quality dog food in equal portions throughout the day. Be careful not to feed it too much, because Mini Bulldogs already have a tendency to gain weight.


They are not dumb, as some misinformed people like to affirm. Mini Bulldogs can be very stubborn and not respond so well to commands as other breeds, but they are very loyal and once they learn something, they don’t forget about it ever again.

A little patience is needed when training them, but the results can be great.

Love them

Mini English Bulldogs are great companions, suited for everybody who wants a pet. No wonder they are so popular. Besides being a very cute breed of dog, the Mini English Bulldog has an amazing personality, making living with it very fun and rewarding.

It is especially recommended for people who lead a more relaxed lifestyle and don’t want to do too many activities with the dog, as well as people with small children, who are looking for a pet to be their kid’s friend. The fact that the Mini Bulldog is also quiet and seldom barks is very appreciated by several owners.

If you already have a Mini Bulldog, there is no need to explain why it’s so wonderful, but if you’re looking to get one, the Mini English Bulldog is definitely a choice to take into consideration.