Training your English Bulldog puppy to walk on a leash outside is an important step in ensuring that they grow up to be well-behaved and well-mannered adults. In this article, we will discuss the best techniques for leash training your English Bulldog puppy and provide tips on how to make the process as easy and stress-free as possible. Before getting started with the training you will need a few things, especially if it’s your first time with a puppy. I recommend getting started with this affordable puppy starter kit so you can be ready to hit the ground running.

Steps to take in your training process

The first step in leash training your English Bulldog puppy is to make sure that they are comfortable wearing a collar and leash. It’s important to start this process early, as puppies are more likely to accept a collar and leash if they are introduced to them at a young age.

When introducing your puppy to a collar and leash, it’s important to take it slow. Start by simply placing the collar around their neck, without attaching the leash. Allow them to wear the collar for short periods of time, gradually increasing the length of time as they become more comfortable.

Once your puppy is comfortable wearing a collar, it’s time to introduce the leash. Start by attaching the leash to their collar and allowing them to drag it around the house. This will help them become familiar with the sensation of the leash and will also help them learn that the leash is not something to be feared.

The next step in leash training your English Bulldog puppy is to teach them to walk on a leash. Start by holding the leash in one hand and offering your puppy a treat in the other. Encourage them to follow the treat, while keeping the leash loose and allowing them to move freely. As they follow the treat, gently guide them in the direction that you want them to walk.

Important things to remember

It’s important to remember that leash training is a process, and it may take some time for your puppy to fully understand how to walk on a leash. Be patient and persistent, and remember to always use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, to encourage good behavior.

Another important aspect of leash training is to teach your puppy to walk by your side. This can be accomplished by using a command such as “heel” and rewarding them when they walk by your side.

It’s also important to socialize your English Bulldog puppy early on. This means exposing them to different people, animals, and environments, so they learn to be comfortable in a variety of situations. This can help make walking on a leash outside less stressful for both you and your puppy.

When taking your English Bulldog puppy outside for walks, it’s also important to be aware of their physical limitations. Bulldogs are a brachycephalic breed, which means they have short snouts. This can make it difficult for them to breathe, especially in hot weather or when they are exercising. Be mindful of the weather and take frequent breaks to ensure that your puppy is comfortable and not overworked.


In conclusion, leash training your English Bulldog puppy is an important step in ensuring that they grow up to be well-behaved and well-mannered adults. By starting early, taking it slow, and using positive reinforcement, you can help make the process as easy and stress-free as possible. Remember to be patient and persistent, and to always be aware of your puppy’s physical limitations. With the right training and care, your English Bulldog puppy can learn to walk on a leash outside and will grow up to be a happy, healthy, and well-behaved companion.