When it comes to maximizing the lifespan of our beloved bulldogs, it’s a good practice to walk your Bully one to two times a day preferably when they need to relieve themselves. Some families have gone to great lengths to see that their pet is in optimal condition with proper exercise. One example of busy families nowadays is a home treadmill designed specifically for dogs. This is an excellent way to ensure your pup gets the exercise it needs and also gives you the peace of mind that you will have them for years to come.

The English Bulldog is a small stature and medium-sized animal. Initially, the bulldog was trained to fight bulls for sport. Through selective breeding, it has today turned into a docile pet loved by many. People like the dog for its charm, warmth, and affection for the home and family.

The bulldog has an average lifespan of 8 years. Although the lifespan of bulldogs can go up to 10 or 12 years when properly managed, they are not the longest or shortest living breed.

Physical Characteristics of the British Bulldog.

  • The dog has a low-slung, stout, and thick-set body.
  • Broad shoulders which provide a low center of gravity allowing it to crawl close to the ground.
  • The large circumference of the head is equal to the dog’s height at the shoulder.
  • Glossy and beautiful coat, with standard colors including, white, red, yellow, or a combination of these colors.
  • The British bulldog grows to a height of 12 to 16 inches but
  • The average weight of between 40 to 55 pounds depending on the sex.

Depending on the care given to the dog, its lifespan may be longer, or shorter. Some of the techniques on how you can increase the lifespan of an English bulldog are:

1. Oral health
Pay close attention to the dogs’ oral health. Good oral health can add up to 4 years to their life. There are high chance that dogs aged three years and over can develop gum disease. The development of plaque causes gingivitis. The bacteria can enter the body and harm the heart, brain, and kidneys.

2. Breathing
The Bulldogs are sensitive to high temperatures and cannot tolerate warm weather. During summer, keep them indoors and provide air conditioners. The dog’s short face and muzzle predispose it to problems related to breathing and thus are more likely to die due to respiratory diseases

3. Keep your dog healthy
Ensure the dog does not become overweight. Feed the puppy with the correct amount of food. The following tips are beneficial when coming up with the feed formulae.

  • Ask your veterinarian if the body condition of the dog is okay. If not, set a workout plan for the dog to return it to its ideal body weight.
  • Read the food label to ensure that it contains the recommended daily portions for an ideal body condition.
  • Feed the dog and not the bowl. Serve the recommended quantity despite the size of the container.
  • Do weekly checks on your dog and ensure you feel the ribs.
  • Adjust the amount you serve to maintain ideal body condition.

4. Regularly visit the vet
The puppies need vaccinations otherwise they may not live to attain one year. Avoid over-immunization. One parvo vaccine is enough to protect the dog for its entire lifetime. Carry out yearly blood tests to find out if any booster is required.

5. Regular spraying or neutering
Spraying regularly enhances the Bulldogs’ lifespan. It reduces the risk of getting breast, ovarian, and testicular cancer. Do not neuter a large breed dog before it reaches one year since it has not completely developed physically.

6. Avoid inbreeding
Inbreeding reduces the dog’s lifespan. Crossbred dogs live longer and have fewer health issues. Inbred dogs are at risk of carrying genetic illnesses found in bulldogs.

7. Body Fitness
Bulldogs love going on their daily outings. Regular fitness helps keep them healthy. Avoid over-exercise as it may result in difficulty in breathing.

The following steps help to maximize the health benefits of a physically fit dog.

  • Warm up the dog’s muscles
  • Start slowly with a 5-minute slow-pace walk. Then do a 10-15 minute brisk walk. End with a 5-minute leisurely pace to cool the muscles.
  • Keep your dog at a brisk pace so that he trots rather than saunters during the walk. Both sides of the dog’s body get to exercise and provide the dog with a cardiovascular workout.
  • A little exercise daily is better than a longer one once or twice a week. A 20-minute walk every day is advisable for the dog. It’s important to note that the dogs can get breathless when under stress and after a session of rigorous exercise.

More things to consider when dealing with Bulldogs:

  • Ensure the facial and other body wrinkles are always dry and clean. Wrinkled skin exposes it to dermatological problems, like hair loss and lesions.
  • Cesarean delivery is familiar to this breed. Consult the vet before breeding takes place.
  • Should your dog require any surgery, talk with your vet. The dog is known to suffer complications under anesthesia because of its unusual airways.
  • The dogs get stressed easily leading to premature aging. A single dog can become depressed. If you have a busy schedule, and you cannot be with the dog all the time, get it a companion.

The bulldog’s short canine lifespan should not worry you at all. When buying a puppy, ensure that it is from a reputable breeder. Check on the dogs’ history to see if the parents suffered from any genetic disease. Find a vet who has the correct knowledge concerning the breed. Pamper the dogs with lots of love and take good care of them. Some bulldogs do live for up to 12 years, and yours could be one of them