As its name suggests, this dog was initially bred to fight with bulls. The Bulldog was trained and bred to fight bulls for sport. Bulldogs are a popular breed. They usually almost look alike at any age. Most bulldogs go through a C-section due to the nature of their big heads.

English Bulldogs are a high-priced breed to create. This is due to the fact that they don’t get pregnant easily hence they rely heavily on artificial insemination. This process begins with the breeder buying the highest standard quality dogs there are. To a wise breeder, a good deal is not necessarily smart. A wise breeder should purchase in full knowledge of the features to look out for such as bloodlines, conformation, and health. The perfect quality of a female English bulldog does not come cheap. They’re worth every penny, and once you have owned a bulldog, you can never again live without one.

There are several reasons why English bulldogs are very expensive. Below are some of those reasons.

Screening costs

Bulldog breeders should conduct a health screening of all of the breeding dogs before undergoing the process of breeding. The tests to check out for include;

  • DNA testing
  • X-rays
  • Evaluations by the OFA

These screening processes demand lots of money. A good recommendation service is also charged. It also costs a lot to register your dog as a purebred through the relevant veterinary bodies. These bodies require one to register their purebred and take part in conformation shows. Most breeders are however discouraged by this activity because it can be quite costly hence most breeders seek the expertise of a professional handler to show their dog to them.

In contrast, there exist good breeders who do not participate in the show activity. Those who choose not to follow this process find it hard to be located since these breeders lack a referral system.

There is a particular breed that needs the aid of humans to bring a litter to 8 weeks of age. They are entirely worth every penny. Most breeders retail quality pet bulldogs for between 1400-2000 US dollars and you can expect the breeder to be there to support you when needed.

Insemination costs

It can be complicated to breed these dogs naturally, especially the English bulldog’s breed. It is difficult for Bulldogs to reproduce naturally. Most English Bulldogs are artificially inseminated in order to conceive. This process includes visiting the veterinarian regularly to ensure that the female is ready. The veterinarian needs to make sure that the female has certain progesterone hormones in her body. The hormonal Analysis costs $75-$150. Certain levels of progesterone enlighten the doctor of the female’s ability to carry and maintain pregnancy. Some breeders opt to do this on their own; however, the process is still costly. During pregnancy, the mother has to make numerous costly visits to a vet.

A good breeder keeps track of the puppy and will provide a contract to protect it. Bulldogs are exceptional animals owned by unique individuals.

Cost of giving birth

English Bulldogs experience a hard time naturally whelping puppies. Because of their large head and shoulders, birth can be characterized as grueling and often dangerous. This means that Bulldog breeders must put cash aside for a C-section just in case, even after deciding on a natural delivery. The C-section could cost as much as $1500 or more. A veterinarian should attend to the birth process to ensure a smooth, safe process.

After their birth, the young puppies require nursing round the clock. They tend to be very delicate. English bulldogs are not the best mothers; incidents of them stepping on their young ones have been recorded. This process is very time-consuming because it requires undivided attention. Therefore one has to hire help since this is a 24/7 venture.

Cost of food and maintenance

Credible breeders do not feed their dogs on cheap food. Cheap food leads to unhealthy dogs which give birth to unhealthy puppies. A good breeder lets the dogs feed on the best affordable food.

If the breeder has a large litter under their care, the puppies are supplemented using formula. The cost of puppy formula can get extremely dear. Besides, the breeder has to consider the value of related items such as bottles nipples syringes, tubes, and brushes for feeding the litter through the tubes.

In the case that the puppies are efficiently nursed from their mother, as a breeder, one needs to consider double food intake to increase the milk supply for the puppies.

Vaccines and Treatment costs

Nursing Bulldogs have the potential to develop a breast disease called Mastitis. This condition is fatal to the babies if it proceeds long enough before the breeder notices. The costs for treatment for the mother can get pretty expensive, especially in a case where a mother needs emergency care after regular hours of work.

Unfortunately, breeders can lose litters and the mother Bulldog due to medical complications. This can mean massive losses for the breeder.

Before venturing into this field, analyze these costs and make an informative decision if you are prepared to encounter the costs.

Many have been scammed by people claiming to offer purebred bulldogs at a low price. Keep in mind that you get what you pay for. This applies to all Bulldogs. So beware the cheap deals can cost you a lot more in the end.