Dogs mean a lot to people. Some rely on them as companions to curb their loneliness. Others view them as loyal best friends while others use them for protection.

The English bulldog has been the most preferred breed since the late 1800s and was originally bred for its courageous characteristics. Once you decide to keep this breed as a pet, you must be prepared to meet its specific needs. It has character traits like stubbornness and inability to listen. Even so, the bulldog loves to spend time with family and knows how to relate to children.

You may still be wondering whether to buy a bulldog puppy. Here are some guidelines to enable you to make an informed decision.

Choosing Your First Puppy

Adopting a new puppy into the house is an exhilarating experience for you and your entire family, but your puppy may appear a little confused by all the changes in his life. Ensure that you adopt a dog from a reputable breeder. This is the only way that will help you identify that you have pet-free health issues.


Here’s what to consider about this breed’s temperament:

  • Even though they may appear intimidating, they are known to be gentle with children.
  • This breed is best known for its great courage and excellent guarding capabilities.
  • They are very irrational and don’t hope easily
  • It’s an attention seeker. They practically squeeze you out to get all they can get.
  • They require an owner who understands how to portray strong leadership qualities and who is familiar with alpha canine behavior.
  • They relate well to other pets, but it can get ugly with some as they compete to maintain their place as the alpha of the pack.
  • They tend to be loud snorers, and most even drool and slobber.
  • This breed is normally energetic and a mischievous little beast.
  • Most of the owners have stated that the males show more affection than females

Size and Appearance

  • The English bulldog has a general characteristic of appearing broad and powerful
  • They have a large head that seems larger than their body.
  • They have pretty short faces, with their muzzle inclining upward, it is broad and blunt and inclines upward.
  • The body is short, but the limbs are phenomenally strong and muscular.
  • The hind limbs are higher and stronger.
  • They have a variety of colors, like red, fawn, brindle, pale yellow, and white.
  • A fully mature male weighs up to 50 pounds, while a female will weigh only 40 pounds.

Diet and Grooming

English Bulldogs are extremely demanding in maintenance. Pay attention to their ears, coat, eyes, and wrinkles. Brush your dog daily. As the dog ages, you’ll start to see the eyelids rolling inwards or outwards away from the eyeball. If it gets serious, that requires surgery.

Brush your dog’s teeth about thrice weekly and seek toys that can aid in canine dental health.

Bathing it too much could cause skin irritation. It is advisable only to bathe it two times monthly.

Puppy Diet

During weaning, the puppy’s digestive system capacity is not entirely developed. The puppies experience high stress levels after being separated from their mother and siblings.

Ensure you feed this puppy with high-energy foods. At this stage, it is important to feed food that is for high-energy working dogs. This will enable them to develop their digestive abilities quickly; foods rich in calcium and phosphorous are very crucial.

It is essential to follow up on this diet for the first 3 to 4 months. This alleviates problems of diarrhea and other digestive issues.

Adult Diet

All your canine friend needs is a well-balanced diet with the necessary nutrients to nourish it with plenty of water.

Most owners feed their dogs once a day. It is advisable to feed your small dog portions all through the day. This helps it reduce any flatulence and gastric torsion attacks.

The puppy’s health

Once they have been weaned, most puppies can expect to live long, happy lives. Some breeds have a more extended average lifespan than others. Most dogs live between 8 to 15 years, and some can live well beyond that. In general, small breeds tend to have a longer life expectancy than large dogs.

The main significant threats to their long life are infectious diseases and probably accidents. No one can entirely manage to avoid either, but the chances of escaping an illness or accident can be reduced to a low level by taking a few simple precautions. A full vaccination program, with annual booster injections, is the most critical way to enable the prevention of diseases. Intense training and controlled workouts go a long way toward avoiding accidents.

Common Health Issues

The veterinarian should be your greatest ally in the prevention of all health issues that your puppy might face. Ensure that you register with a credible veterinary practitioner.

Do not miss veterinary checkups set up by your dentists who will, in turn, advise you on dates for vaccinations, deworming, heartworm prevention, feeding, and general health procedural care.

Be a responsible dog owner

Similar to all valuables in life, owning an English bulldog puppy commands responsibilities as well as immense joyous moments. All factors involving care for the puppy need to be carefully considered before you decide to start a life with it.