Dog training needs a lot of dedicated time, especially with particularly stubborn breeds. This applies to training your English Bulldog and using the right techniques that work. There are many ways you can train your bulldog, but, not all of them work because of certain personality traits your pup may possess. The age of the dog also plays an important role in training because as they say, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Is your bulldog a puppy or a full-grown English Bulldog? For the puppies, training them is easier since they are still small and you can contain them. For the older dogs, training might be a bit more difficult as they have already formed certain habits and have a particular mature personality. Training your bulldog can be difficult as you know, but be patient and consistent, and good things will develop. When training gets challenging, you can try out a few dog training methods that have been known to work with most English Bulldogs. Here are some of the main topics for training that I’ve put together. Hopefully, these work for you as they have for me with our Lucy.

Positive-only dog training

There are many ways you can train your English bulldog using “positive-only” training methods. The main goal is to teach them what is good in the most positive way. In short, no negativity in training and no introduction of bad habits. A bad habit could be playing at inappropriate times or chewing items that aren’t theirs.  If you want to succeed in training your bulldog, even the grown-up ones, you have to be smarter than them and more patient. Bribe them with treats (here’s some I found on Amazon) so that they can obey you and know what they should and shouldn’t do. It may not be the best training method, but it works pretty well most of the time. If your bulldog does the right thing, then, you will have to reward him or her. If they do not, then there is no treatment for them. Using a clicker device for training is an excellent way to create consistency in training. A clicker is used to alert your English bulldog when he has done something nice and throw him some treats. Treat equals click and eventually, the click works alone.

Respect training

Respect training involves teaching your bulldog how to respect you at all times. It is ideal because it uses both the good and the bad side that he will show during the training session. If the English bulldog does something nice, then there is a consequence for that. Similarly, if he does something bad, there is a counteractive consequence for that too. This helps the dog from knowing what is right and wrong at the same time. As they embrace the daily training, they familiarize themselves with what to do and what to avoid. This is eventually because of second nature. For the positive consequences, you can praise your dog and reward him with treats and a smile. For the negative consequences, then you have to show it by actions that you are not impressed. Withhold treats and be a little harsh and strict with them, but not too overwhelming where it becomes a negative.

Brief and lively training

Yes, keep your training sessions short and make them as lively as possible using fun and engaging activities. This is a good hack for training your English Bulldog as it makes for long training times. Yet, you need to make sure that it’s not all fun and play. And make it clear that it is training time and not playtime. Tiring training sessions never work with English bulldogs. If you were to try it, then you would be agitating them and making them develop negativity. The fun and short training make him motivated for more and you can take breaks in between. Train your dog for 20 minutes then break off. Take another 20 minutes for training then break. Make it a routine to follow and training your English bulldog will be a piece of cake. Positivity and consistency are key.

Consistency training

If you want to train your dog in the most effective way, then you have to be consistent. If it is in timing and the method you use, then make sure you repeat them daily. Consistency training is a repeat of what you did yesterday only with new tactics to teach. The more your dog gets accustomed, the easier it gets to train them. Nevertheless, it is registered in their minds that the training period and the right time happen when you request. Despite being all snuggly and adorable, the English bulldog can be quite stubborn. It is part of his nature, but it can get out of hand. So, besides being consistent, you need to be patient with the training progress. That is why you need to train during specific times and with familiar methods. So as to ensure that the dog gets it at the end of it all.

Crate training

Crate training (here are a few crates on Amazon) has done wonders in training the English bulldog breed. The trick is to let the dog have their little safe haven where they are comfortable and can move around with ease. Use it for feeding, sleeping, and training. When you command your dog to go inside the crate, they should do it without a second thought. Crate training is also ideal for potty training as well. You can also use it to confine them to one place and they should only come out when you tell them to. Consider the life of the dog in the crate and consider making this a comfortable and personal place. In time, they will learn to keep it clean and avoid peeing on it. Needless to say, they won’t come out until you are there to give them the go-ahead. It is good for ensuring your dog is disciplined.

Training a dog requires that you learn the ropes and apply your knowledge in the right way. There is no need to be harsh in training the English bulldog as this creates a negative effect on the dog. This is because you will be prompting him to rebel and ultimately not follow your commands. Each of the following techniques has valuable benefits and using them will do you no harm. On the contrary, they will be your best guide to making sure you have an easy time training your dog. Remember it takes time to train both the young ones and the adults so you need to be patient. Do not rush things, instead let them play out in their own timing and growth.