Bulldogs are a breed of dogs that are quite friendly and very sociable animals. In fact, they tend to interact well with children and cope with other dogs easily. Despite the nature of your dog you will one day have to introduce it to other dogs whether the easily adapting type or the slow to adapt type.

Factors influencing dog introduction and socialization

When trying to socialize different dogs it is important to know the history of a dog. Some dogs are very friendly in nature so for them socializing will be very easy, while on the other hand, some dogs are not very sociable and may have few dog friends. Another factor to put into consideration is whether the dogs have been neutered to prevent their ability to sire puppies or have been sprayed. The meeting may be difficult if these conditions are not met.

Just like human beings need to meet new friends, your bulldog also needs to socialize and meet other dogs but this can’t be possible without your input and effort as the pet owner. How do you go about it? This might be the question lingering in your head right now well you need to relax and go through the following tips on how to successfully introduce your bulldog and make it socialize with other dogs.

Before we get to tips on how to properly socialize your English Bulldog, we need to think about how we get them to the socialization location properly and safely with comfort and avoid a traumatic car experience. We have recently purchased this handy carrier for our Lucy and we highly recommend it to anyone who is concerned about the transport aspect of socializing.

Tip one: leash the dogs

Keeping the dogs on a leash is important because they are still strangers to each other and is hard to tell what each dog is thinking or planning to do. The leash will help in controlling them and without them; it will be impossible to separate the dogs in case they charge at one another and begin fighting.

Tip two: take your dogs out for a walk

This will be the initial stage of introduction as the dogs come face to face with one another. It is advisable that you don’t let the dogs in close proximity to each other as the emotions are still high but instead walk them in single file with one in front and the other following behind. This will give them time to familiarize themselves.

Tip three: keep them walking

As long as you maintain that situation of the dogs walking one behind the other you can keep the energies of the scenario in motion and reduce the tension levels of your dogs. This will shift their focus and attention from each other and concentrate on the walk and in so doing you are activating the dogs’ nature to hunt together.

Tip four: let the dogs sniff each other

It is most likely the dog behind will sniff the dog in front; this is the first physical move for them to socialize. This is a time to be vigilant since the dog being sniffed will automatically react, move the rear dog to the front of the walk so that it too can be sniffed and avoid a long-standing situation as this may lead the dogs into a confrontation. Keep alternating the dogs so they can regularly sniff at each other during the walk.

Tip five: let the dog sniff the waste of the other dog

When one dog excretes or pees let the other dog sniff it before you dispose of it as this is an important way of exchanging energy and communication between the dogs. With time the dogs will be eliminating their waste in the presence of the other and this is a sure sign that the dogs are getting used to each other.

Tip six: watch for signs of the dogs

At this point, one dog may initiate or send a signal of wanting to play with the other dog. While this is a good thing it is not advisable to hurry the situation and let them play because remember the dogs are still on a leash and this may entangle them and in the excitement and effort to break loose from the entanglement wrong signals of aggressiveness may be sent and in this confusion, a fight may erupt. Instead, give the dogs a chance to relax together a bit as this is a sign that they can cope well.

Tip seven: move the dogs side by side

After walking your dogs several times with one in front of the other you can change positions and put them side by side as this will enhance direct face-to-face contact. You can decide to walk the dogs side by side in closeness or put the dogs on either side of the walker. This will teach the dogs to be walking together in unison, especially during hunting expeditions.

Tip eight: relax the dogs together

After bringing your dogs back from the walk it is important for them to take a rest together before you separate them as this will go a long way in creating a strong bond between the two. The friendship mentality will slowly begin to kick in and the dogs will begin longing for the walks or each other’s company. You can also decide the two dog owners to give your dogs bathing and grooming sessions together and with this act, the dogs will tend to be inseparable.

With these simple methods, you can successfully introduce your bulldog to the world of other dogs and watch their friendship grow tremendously each day.